A guide to the Mediterranean Diet

A guide to the Mediterranean Diet

The term diet is usually deemed a negative term used for people who restrict and avoid certain foods to lose weight. However, the Mediterranean diet is different, it’s a lifestyle approach with patterns of eating that teaches the importance of moderation and variety in ones eating habits.

What Is A Mediterranean Diet?

The philosophy behind the Mediterranean Diet is to maintain a healthy body weight by consuming nutritiously dense and varied foods. However, there is no one type of Mediterranean diet, it’s traditional to the Mediterranean Sea and countries around it such as Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and Morocco. One thing in common in most Mediterranean Diets are a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet also encourages physical activity that suits your needs and plenty of social time with friends and family to improve your wellbeing.

What Foods Are Encouraged & What To Eat In Moderation? 

The Mediterranean diet encourages daily use of:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Healthy fats such as seeds, nuts, olive oil
  • Herbs

The Mediterranean diet recommends 2-3 times a week:

  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Omega 3 rich foods

The Mediterranean diet recommends low consumption of:

  • Red Meats
  • White meats
  • Dairy products – expect long-preserved cheese 
  • Eggs
  • Alcohol

The Mediterranean diet limits the use of:

  • Processed foods
  • Refined grains
  • Sugar
  • Trans fat
  • Refined oils

The Mediterranean diet is found to be associated with several health benefits:

 1. Improved Gut Health

 The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a positive impact on gut health by reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and reducing bacteria in your gut. When you have a healthy gut, you can reduce your risk of many diseases and improve your overall health.

2. Improved Brain Function

 Cognitive ability shows a decline with increasing age. But studies have revealed that people who followed a healthy Mediterranean diet throughout life showed better brain function in older age. One research shows that a Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of cognitive impairment, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.

3. Better Heart Health

The lower the fats and cholesterol you consume, the happier your heart is. Studies have shown that those who follow the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of plaque formation in blood vessels and helps reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases and stroke. Another study conducted to find out the effect of the Mediterranean diet on hypertension showed that the Mediterranean diet helped decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

4. Improved wellbeing

As the Mediterranean diet, isn’t a diet it’s a lifestyle change. Not only does it encourage variety and moderation in what we eat, it encourages daily movement and sharing meals with those you love as often as you can. 

Find enjoyment in your movement that makes you feel good whether its dancing, swimming, running, yoga, pilates or even gardening. Find whatever gives you joy to keep you committed for longer.


Research continues to support the benefits of the Mediterranean diet on one’s health and wellbeing. You don’t necessarily need to commit fully to the diet but find what parts of the Mediterranean Diet suits you and makes you feel your best. I hope this blog gives you an insight that restricting and avoiding certain foods entirely isn’t the best way to improve your health. Enjoy variety and moderation in your meals.

Please consult your dietitian or GP before you go for a particular dietary lifestyle, such as the Mediterranean diet, especially if you have a medical condition and taking medication.


Lots of love,



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